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Seminar on mining in Sierra Leone will help suppliers and professional services benefit from Local C

Sierra Leone’s first seminar aimed at helping non-miners understand the country’s mining industry will give suppliers and those in the professional services a head start when it comes to benefiting from the Local Content Policy, according to the seminar’s organisers. ‘An Introduction to Mining in Sierra Leone’, which is scheduled for 24 June 2014 at the Bintumani Conference Hall, explains how the mining sector works, how it is financed and regulated, and why it plays a central role in the country’s Agenda for Prosperity and the recently introduced Local Content Policy.

President of the Sierra Leone Chamber of Mines and CEO of Sierra Rutile, John Sisay says: “Recent years have brought major changes to the mining industry in Sierra Leone. It has always been a cornerstone of our economy. Today however, initiatives such as the government’s local content policy combined with the mining sector’s own focus on acting as a catalyst for economic growth, mean that it offers significant opportunities to those who have positioned themselves to take advantage of them.”

Speaking at the seminar will be some of the best minds in the mining business. They include Sahr Wonday, Director General of the National Minerals Agency (NMA) and his colleague Arnold Mason, Director of Geological Survey; Tani Pratt and Andrew Keili from CEMMATS, Sierra Leone’s leading engineering consultancy; Yves Ilunga - Chief Financial Officer of Sierra Rutile Ltd; David Carew of Freetown Nominees (SL) Ltd; Jordon Kuschminder of Independent Social Performance Pte. Ltd, and Janne Kaiser from development agency GIZ.

Explaining the importance of the seminar Mr Sahr Wonday said: “Sierra Leone’s mineral resources are critical to the success of our Agenda for Prosperity, and understanding how the mining sector works is a prerequisite for anyone wanting to contribute to making it a driver for inclusive and sustainable growth.”

The seminar is aimed at suppliers and providers of business and professional services, as well as journalists, students, future employees and others who are looking to work with or in the mining sector. It is organised by two Freetown-based companies – Elixir Marketing and Media, and JobSearch; and attendance costs Le750,000.

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