The global objective of this call for proposals is to promote women's entrepreneurship and economic empowerment in the sustainable energy sector/value chain. This should contribute to gender equality, to the eradication of poverty and to job creation, improving women’s lives and status. The scope of the action is focusing on the sustainable energy sector, integrating financial services, skills improvement and soft measures for women empowerment.

The specific objectives of this call for proposals are:
1. To create jobs and/or entrepreneurship opportunities in developing countries for women; 2. To increase capacities of women to operate in the sustainable energy sector; 3. To raise awareness within communities, society and local/regional/national authorities on the potential and benefits of sustainable energy and women’s role in sustainable energy value chains.
Priority under this action will be given to projects having an important component of access to financial services targeting women in particular. In practical terms, the action should dedicate a significant part of its budget (indicatively 70%) to providing access to affordable finance or to affordable finance and sustainable energy services (see Evaluation grid of concept note, point 1.1).